Thursday, December 26, 2013

The first Magic you should ever Cast on your life and why

Self acceptance  Before starting any serious spell castings this is a basic guide in how to do it in ways that last beyond the spell and truly change lives First you need self acceptance We like most living things of the Earth have a built in soul that will always steer towards anything that feels sunny warm and makes us the most relaxed and at ease within whatever body were in We have a mind that measures our souls steering towards good feeling things with morals and beliefs on how bad or good legally ethically and healthy the thing or person the soul is steering towards is in relation to our society and what it's telling us We have hearts that hold memories and dreams  Anytime it's dreams are not reached it feels pain, the more important and excited about the dream the more pain is felt when not reached  This is you, this is everyone else, you were born this way , you will leave this way Self acceptance is the ability to let the mind feel guilt to tell you the sun your chasing maybe more harmful  And also the mind that gets that many many things in life resemble the sun from far away but some fit into your over all comfort better then others and some not only feel good now but support long lasting comfort Obviously we all deep down know one glass of wine gives a peek of sunshine without many after clouds, 20 glasses of wine the clouds of hang overs or vomiting make us more uncomfortable then we were ever comforted by drinking all 20 in the first place Normally we call this  Smart vs stupid Relaxed and social vs alcoholism  Good mommy vs bad mommy  Good guy vs bad guy First thing you need to do when working with spell casts is to  Remember the good and bad labels  your mind tosses around is to simply keep you alive and out of jail and not hurt ppl you love That's all its using them words for Just because you smoked pot after a horrible day or spent money on a pair of shoes you know you can't afford , really can't afford and now have to lie and get a payday loan because you gained 5 lbs and turned 40 in the same week doesn't mean you are a bad non loveable horrible parent  It means you felt something in your day that led you to want to feel better The worse we feel the faster we want the feeling better  Self acceptance and self love isn't about shaming the instinct to steer into fast feeling better in simple natural reaction to the amount of crap feeing you experienced It's accepting the fact that  The more you create your life to feel good overall to start with the less things your mind will have to say no no bad dumbass too to begin with  Stop and accept that you are here and living out the experience of wanting to feel good, the hearts love and pain of your current reality, and the minds need to keep your ass alive and out of jail by yelling dumbass no!   Your current reality is simply the mirror of how much your soul , mind, and heart are in harmony  I assume something in your reality sucks  And you maybe saying Jess I really just need to loose 20 lbs or a raise in pay Oh yeah? Then why are you 20lbs over weight in the first place or broke working a job that dont pay good ?  Because magic intensifies  It works everytime guaranteed to increase or intensify the odds of a dream, need or desire actually happening It never fails , spells never fail  The gaps you were filling with spell work between what you want and the current reality if just small enough ,magic will boom make it happen  If it's a large gap then you may see anything from no result to a very tiny improvement  That doesn't mean magic didn't work  It meant you tried to fill a gap the size of a lake with water the size of a pond. So the more your reality reflects that you know your worthy of magical things the naturally smaller your gaps are :)  Ppl who accept and love themselves have the sort of realities that can produce true miracles with magic That doesn't mean they are a vegan yoga doing health nut That's what the mind calls good these days  You have to remember self acceptance and comfort is the level of balance of all parts of you and not the perfection the mind steers you too usually quieted by your true enjoyment of life Say with me In learning basic magic  I no longer aim for a life that resembles society's and my family's ideals of perfection  But instead I choose a life that resembles how truly good I feel and that I created to be something I love and feels comfortable and truly good to live everyday  The more you aim your thoughts, actions, energy and choice of spell castings towards that one simple statement to live comfortably happy and feeling good in allowance of harming none The less you will ever need magic or pills to shut your mind up from calling you names  If you want to be rich Or hot till your 90 or married to someone that makes you enjoy being married or have kids that learn acceptance and confidence naturally  And your not there  And your not a kid anymore And you were crazy enough to try a spell caster  I can get you there  But the smaller the gaps between happy and the certain very non happy reality you came to me with  The faster and better results you will have which means the more amazing reviews and clients I will have So first I don't care what spell you were buying  If your reality looks like more crap then good times  I'm betting we need some fast self acceptance and confidence help quick  So even if you were buying a return Joe my ex that I am stuck on and isn't great but I'm stuck on love spell and gonna drag in more mess  That's ok love yourself for loving Joe You had it right Joe feels like he would feel good Your soul works! You ignored your mind screaming omg your buying a spell online for Joe really? Omg  If anyone knew how crazy you are  And followed your hearts desire to marry and be in love And your soul went ahhh heart says marriage and love is where the best sun is at...and the last time I felt love hot like the sun was Joe and steered you towards Joe or atleast a action that might result in Joe Your heart is now trying to hide the ten bucks you spent on the spell from your mind and now your feeling a little excited about the spell , the soul is steering towards Joe all happy remembering the good times All pretending there was only like 4 months of really good times and the other 6 months spent trying to be someone he wouldn't cheat on or leave  Hi your totally human and normal We bring Joes into our world to make us define what we hold as important to our reality to live and be loved The things you told yourself you had to be or do or have to of kept Joe from leaving or cheating or well being Joe Was actually the things you believe you need to be do or have to be happily married to anyone in the first place Your heart never really cared if it was Joe or not Your heart wants a life long happy marriage to a true soulmate  It's your mind and physical body that tend to pin that crown on whoever comes the closest of entertaining both The mind tends to like ppl we see as faulted worse then us hence the situations of bad boys who need our good girl home cooking and loving ways to sooth and tame  and the gold digging Hoes we try to captian save a lot  The physical body likes cute nice lookinn ppl and comfy hot sex And it will indeed get stupidly stuck on anyone that is providing that  The soul likes the people that we may not have any physical attraction for or even be the right gender  The soul likes people like our best friends  Just being around them makes us laugh , and were most relaxed and real with them but it also likes harmony between all of our people because that feels good  So it will tend to favor the mate that we feel the most at ease and true and relaxed with but Also makes our mothers best friends and kids the most happy and relaxed  If we had found someone whose minds soul and hearts all favored us and our minds soul and heart all favored and agreed upon  You would be in the happiest most fun easy comfy marriage in the world right now But your not and the closet thing you've ever felt to that for all its faults was Joe  You don't want happiness or real love you just want Joe back Ok so why did Joe leave and cheat What are you doing so well with this shot that you screwed up last time Your gonna give him more space You have a job you like now your less stressed  You lost the 20 lbs that kept you from feeing secure in the relationship And showcased all your issues with trust and feeling sexy and secure  And your 2yr old is 10 now and your not the wreck you were during the toddler years  And your a better cook and able to focus more on his needs now and you have your control freakiness in check now  And now you get that the way he made you feel was more important then all the head trips you had about the small shit you were always complaining about Ok take that list because you just created your own ideal lover  The person you thought could make Joe happily marry and happily stay faithful too  Was actually simply your own needs in a ideal love with your ideal lover  Joe cheats on everyone including his current wife who is the exact opposite of half the stuff on your fix it list  It never had anything to do with your why we didn't work out list  That was just a relationship that created the list of what love is to you and your needs  Joes cheating happened because Joe wasn't happy in the relationship  He may of told you a few lil semi things you could of done to help his happiness  Like more oral sex and sex and don't be so insecure and sometimes you talk to me like a child and I get afraid of you  and you could trust me more and you personalized those to base your list then throw in weight loss and better job and kids older because you knew those stresses were ones that did back then keep you from having the energy to be where you wanted to be And when ppl are not happy with their life away from the romance it causes some tensions A big strong true love soul mate type of marriage of years can handle it  Shakey not just right,  non soul mates early romances can not.  But all sturdy truly happy soul mate easy natural real love marriages all started as a new uncertain romance This is why we stop and create a reality that shows our future love of a lifetime Joe returned or new better guy  how we like to be treated and how better then the next girl we are  And here is where if you stay real you will never have to work at finding love again or ever be fake in it for a moment therefore never needing to date anyone but just the right one again Because all those wrong ones were only to show you your real  Now that you know it and have a growing reality to reflect it you can't attract anyone too it but the ones who simply fit it  But I'm am so broke fat and old that it's gonna take forever to fix the mess of my life and crazy kids and messy house and I do not feel like cooking for a man I'm tired  It will take less then a year if you work with me as hard as you can on staying with magic daily  You will be way hotter and way less tired and feel way younger Your kids will be less crazy in most ways  Or atleast more enjoyable and less draining  And your home way cuter and more comfy  And you will have more money  And you wont need to cook because he loves cooking and or loves and can afford to bring home dinner from yummy places every night  You are people who get that your good enough to not cause unneeded stress or chaos or drain to impress He's perfectly cool with bringing home wings and just talking about your days and life and snuggling and a lil bed time loving then you being too tired for relaxing comfy loving and talk because while you were cooking for him the kids drove you nuts and now you just want sit in the tub drink wine and cry alone  Hidden and private Every tear you hide is the glue of the mess we gotta fix  Every easy comfy turn you ignored the reason why nothing in your reality looks like who you know you can be Time to redirect and balance  That's all we will ever be doing with the spell work that will make your like reflect the real you but Also magically without effort start drawing in real friends real love real happiness and yes real money So now we create a quick basic look at what our real us looks like  Do not get stuck on details Let's keep it simple this is called The Sun I steer towards  Start at age 70 I look good for my age I've been married x amount of years and it is the kind of love so natural easy comfortable and that magical mutual real love where both of us honestly can't imagine being with anyone else that it made me really wonder why everyone says marriage is so hard it was all the years before being married that sucked!  I have a savings account that covers every emergency and allows me to obtain big ticket items as needed and also help others and be generous When I hated my work and was sad my bank account was either sad or dead  When I gave up trying so hard and just started working where it was easiest and most comfy to work and just kept growing my bank account and finances just kept growing too I realized instead of trying to live up to a ideal that fit the economy of 1930 like only hard work is honorable  And trying to show my kids back breaking stressful low paying jobs were the only way to be honorable and respected I'd show them as long as your honest and do your best and try to create a life that supports you doing well you can really work and be respected for working when your supposed too, doing your best at your postion and earning a fair and honest living doing daily activites you hate or ones you love or atleast are comfortable and actually make you more wealthy in health love and sanity And money  I'm lucky to live in 2014 and it was my grandfathers broken back for hard work and low wages that I do now learn from to give his great grandchildren better ideals of work so they can live the better lives that my grandfather worked hard for in the first place Your parents and family lived in times that created societies whose ideals of what was good and respectable and successful and real simply was to give your mind a idea of what was the worst things ppl did and what did perfect amazing ppl do So it could yell at you and always point towards perfect to keep you alive and out of jail and more close to good then bad so you would be liked and loved The 1930s produced ideals of perfection and labels of beyond bad For the ppl alive then in a perfect balance to what the world was like to be alive out of jail and loveable in Every generation does The goof is in were supposed to take their struggle and grow evolve and proceed to make it better for the next Instead we have this creepy thing with trying to live in our world by just simply living up to the last generations perfect ideal person Um  That's why when i tried to type so good cuz my granny said typing was the most important skill ever  When I was 35 and tried to find work after being a mom with my big skill being I can type 80 wpm with amazing accuracy no one gave a shit And god knows I can not balance this with but it's ok cuz I really enjoyed my typing classes  Um no  can't say that I did If you don't even like the classes leading to that skill that someone from another generation swears you must have  There's a sign that this is all wrong Take the classes you enjoy,they lead you to learn skills you enjoy using , and even if you dont know what you want to be you will get good enough that whatever you will be will be something you like that pays money Keep your energy and mind on enjoyable things and just keep doing them till they pay you money Keep on having sex with who it feels the best with. Being platonic and real with whoever that person is and keep trying to find best friends you feel sexual towards and gaga who also makes kids moms and best friends atleast not scared for your survival and freaked out  To the best of your ability  And keep letting the real you live through you keep aiming for more sun less crap  jobs that you enjoy vs jobs you hate  Spending time with your kids in easy ways you both actually enjoy  less time on doing it in ways that you read or heard you should Eat things that fit your activity for the next few hours and taste good  Use magic to help you keep trusting and accepting yourself  And increasing what you like in your reality to keep growing and what stinks disappears to the crappy life landfill that hurts no one  And by the time the return love spell does bring Joe back if he really was the one he will without even trying too hard come right back in  If he's gained 75 pounds and now a heroin addict back to woo you for your wallet he won't be able to and your soulmate will appear to provide you a clear contrast if in doubt  This is how easy magic can work  We only screw up our results by not going towards the sun in the first place  And all the tiredness, addictions, weight gain, stress related body issues, and most wasted money all come from the moments we turn away from the sun in over adjustment to our minds determination that the lil too much wine we are having because it was the fastest way to feel better because of a day that didn't totally feel great  doesn't cost us a job or turn into smoking crack and jail time The reason rehabs do work sometimes  is they slow down time to days and put us in a living arrangement that supports our wish to pull our shit together  And make us stop and on a regular schedule do things that slowly make us feel better and need drugs less The most successful ppl who relapse the least arnt nessicarly the ones who had the strongest self will or sheer god like strength of character  They were the ones who simply had lives outside that were created similar to the rehab allowing them to stay in the present, learn about things they like to do, learn about themselves , take field trips,develop new interests and enjoyments ,  be around caring ppl that are over all supportive and be comfy with 3 meals a day and a safe shelter with some meaningful decorations  The quicker you can reproduce that in the outside what held you up on the inside of rehab the more likely in ten years your life will reflect the goal of not being in the gutter Some can't find anything enjoyable other then what also destroys them more those ppl go back and back till they either do die go to jail or disappear into the survival subcultures of ghettos and shit jobs  Some ppl pretend to enjoy what they are told to enjoy because it's what healthy successful good ppl enjoy These are the people who will the first five years be the poster ppl of true overcoming of addiction and strength and self will Then will spend five more years dealing with all the mess faking enjoyment can lead too  Basically winding them at maybe a slight notch above where they were ten year ago when they went to rehab To make true real change  You know what where you want to be kinda feels like  You feel a natural comfortable energy and also feel natural comfortably relaxed You do things all day long that just feel right and truly feel at home doing  You still stop and try new things and continue to learn new skills but because you were curious or interested in them not because someone said they were what better ppl do If a moment of stress occurs or a very unpleasant situation you stay relaxed enough to simply redirect and go away from it  You get up and go towards the sun of relaxed natural this feels good in a relaxed easy way and away from stress and things that suck also relaxed without feeding them your moments  You do this at home at work and with friends and family and on dates  Spell casting and magic seeks to work over in the area of half in the now and half in the area that your now becomes your future  When you do a money spell after agreeing to focus on making money and spending money in easier feels good relaxed true ways the money spell will shoot off to your in comming reality going anything enjoyable relaxed feel good money making or spending raise your hand you are increased ! So as that future reality becomes the next day you see more and more happy money moments and less sad it might be something simple like you spend less at the pump and someone pays for your coffee ahead of you online or a awesome coupon for a carton of cigs appears  Then the next day it's someone gave you a dress that will in 2 months help you have the confidence you need at a better job that at this moment you have no clue of  Therefore all things that make you sad about money have to start shrinking away  Yes you can follow this same way with simple law of attraction focus on good feeling things and go  If your gaps were law of attraction sized gaps that led you to read the book the secret and enjoy doing that and you were able to turn gaps to a relaxed enjoyable reality then great  Why didn't it work for what your buying a spell for ? Two reasons  You either over did the postivity to a point of fake and developed a OCD like fear of not sunny thoughts and got drained and reverted back to life before the secret  Or your gaps just seemed a little too big and take a little too long to fill alone with just the law of attraction and something in you led you to help with it witchy style with spell casting amped up law of attraction help And some of you here will find put the Boughts of depression or anxiety or addictions to things that do really need medical treatment or other more medical related things just are working against you in ways  that are too deep to just use spell casts prayers or basic self help for  Don't try to treat more intense brain chemistry issues or physical body issues with things meant to work with a different need on a less intense level Your not more bad or weaker  You have a need that needs a different sort of help  That's it that's all  If you get help for a intense depression or anxiety or hormone or thyroid problem that works you may zoom right by the spells you would of wanted for more money energy and weight loss ect in way less time then had you not needed medical care Medical care is the most intense healing it's changes manifest quick And intense in reality ahead and easier then trying to turn towards what feels good when depression is turning you the other way and the fight is what is gonna make you give up and go back to broke and sad even when not depressed You can do medical for medical help Spell casting for help getting the fast changes you need to keep you believing in the law of attraction and praying you've done in the past that led you looking for easier faster life change Your continued inability to move on from Joe led you to magic and a way of living that can not only return Joe if he is truly your soulmate and now actually create a love that is mutually enjoyable and fullfilling that both keep attention on and strong because it feels good to both  But at worst Joe isn't your soulmate but your soulmate that your now with seriously makes you realize that you did not always know who you were or what you was doing  Which welcome to reality  No one does so just go towards what feels easy comfy relaxed and good because it's all any of us can do any day of any life 

1 comment:

  1. Am Cannon shelly from Usa, i am sharing about my experience and testimony online in search of a spell caster that will restore my marriage and make me live a happy life. I was introduced to a spell caster by my neighbor and i contact him. to my greatest surprise i never though that there was going to be a real spell caster for me but i was amazed when i met a real one in the person of His Majesty,HIGH PRIEST OZIGIDIDON who helped in in bring back my man and making me have a happy marriage and home and also help in restoring back my job and life and sincerely it is to numerous for me to mention, i just can't thank him more that enough for all he has done but i want to sincerely thank him for restoring my hope that there are still real spell casters out there. Indeed he is so real and true to his job. i am glad i met him and i will hold him in high esteem till i leave this earth. Your HIGHNESS i will never let you go you are my foundation.High priest can be gotten on i know when you contact him and he worked for you, you will definitely come back to thank me. high priest is so great and powerful.. i have lost the adjective to classify him.
